I got a “Folder In Use” error after using a loop that included the DoCmd.OutputTo macro action to export a Microsoft Access report to PDF files. The error occurred when I tried to rename the folder that the PDF files were exported to.
Using the DoCmd.OutputTo created a handle on the folder itself that was not released at the end of the function, preventing me from altering the folder. I could delete the files in the folder, but not rename the folder.
To fix the problem, I used the DoEvents method after the call to DoCmd.OutputTo in the loop to ensure that all outstanding MS Access or Windows-related events were processed before starting through the loop again.
Dim intCounter As Integer Dim strReportName As String Dim strPath As String strPath = "C:\ExportFolder\" For intCounter = 1 To 10 strReportName = "Report" & intCounter & ".PDF" DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Report", acFormatPDF, _ strPath & strReportName, False DoEvents Next intCounter