This VBA function looks for duplicate values in an array. If it finds some, it produces a list of the duplicated values. It is a good example of how to loop through an array.
The argument needs to be an array. Nulls in the array are ignored by the logic, and the result is a string of comma+space separated values. One use of this function is to pass back a message to the user if they entered duplicate values in controls on a Microsoft Access form.
Here’s a simple example:
strResult = DuplicatesInArray(Array("apple", 3, "orange", "pear", Null, "apple", 4, 3))
In this case, strResult = “apple, 3”. There is no sorting logic, so the results come in the order of how the duplicate values are found.
If you are starting with a delimited string of values, another way to create the array argument is to use the Split() function.
Public Function DuplicatesInArray(ArrayOfValues) As String ' This function checks to see if there are duplicate values in the ' ArrayOfValues argument, which is an array. If there are, it returns ' an unsorted, comma+space separated list of the duplicated values. ' If there are no duplicates, it returns a blank string, "". The ' function ignores Nulls. ' DuplicatesInArray() Version 1.0.0 ' Copyright © 2009 Extra Mile Data, ' For questions or issues, please contact [email protected]. ' Use (at your own risk) and modify freely as long as proper credit is given. On Error GoTo Err_DuplicatesInArray Dim intUB As Integer Dim intElem As Integer Dim intLoop As Integer Dim intCount As Integer Dim varValue Dim varLoop Dim strResults As String ' Get the upper bound of the array. intUB = UBound(ArrayOfValues) ' Initialize the variable that holds the results. strResults = "" ' Loop through the array of values, examining each value. For intElem = 0 To intUB ' Initialize the count of occurrences. intCount = 0 ' Get the value that we're working with. varValue = ArrayOfValues(intElem) ' If the value is not Null, then continue. We're ignoring ' Null values. If Not IsNull(varValue) Then ' Now that we have the value that we are checking, ' loop through the array and compare the value with all ' the other values. For intLoop = 0 To intUB ' Get the next value in the array. varLoop = ArrayOfValues(intLoop) ' We are ignoring Nulls, but if it is not null, and ' it matches the value that we are checking for, then ' increment the counter. If Not IsNull(varLoop) Then If varLoop = varValue Then intCount = intCount + 1 End If End If Next intLoop ' We would expect a count of 1, the value itself. If the ' count is greater than 1, then there is a duplicate. If ' we have not already listed the duplicate, then add it ' to the results. If intCount > 1 Then If InStr(strResults, varValue & ", ") = 0 Then strResults = strResults & varValue & ", " End If End If End If Next intElem ' If there were some duplicates, then strip off the last ' comma+space and pass back the results. If there were no ' duplicates, then pass back a blank string. If Len(strResults) > 0 Then DuplicatesInArray = Left(strResults, Len(strResults) - 2) Else DuplicatesInArray = "" End If Exit_DuplicatesInArray: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Err_DuplicatesInArray: MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "DuplicatesInArray()" DuplicatesInArray = "" Resume Exit_DuplicatesInArray End Function
I tried using this code but i get the error “expression is not an array or method…” for the IsNull(varValue). Do I need to declare something?
It sounds like the ArrayOfValues argument that you are passing to the function is not really an array.